Google Sesame

Sesame – new awesome feature from google.

Go to the link, use your phone to scan the QRcode on the page and hit the resultant url – the desktop browser will automagically redirect to your logged-in gmail without entering your password. You are in!

We constantly experiment with new and more secure authentication mechanisms, and it looks like you found one of our experiments. Note that this feature is not officially supported and may go away at any time – we’re already working on something better.
Dirk Balfanz, Google Security Team.

Best solution for public/unsecure workstation. Go Google!

Tip for Youtube Developers

Im just trying to apply better optimization to the original youtube sprite image:

Original (34.98 KB):
youtube sprite image
Optimized (13.64 KB):

Optimized image (right one) – more than twice smaller in size, but pretty identical visually.

Im using free tools for this optimization, ImageAlpha and then ImageOptim.

Thanks for attention!

Flickr Tab – Released!

Hello fans! First stable version of my pilot application “Flickr Tab” was released today.
Visit this landing page to install app on your page or check some example pages.

Application based on Facebook and Flickr APIs, PHP, MySQL and some jQuery powered.

Like and share, thank you!

My NEW Facebook Application! Flickr Tab!

Just released – FlickrTab. Second beta version. Please, feel free for install and test.

FlickrTab — the best and easiest way to integrate Flickr and Facebook.

Thank you!

Cross Browser Support for Console.log()

Almost all programmers use browsers Javascript-console for debugging.
The console is built into Chrome, Opera, IE and installed with Firebug in Firefox.
But she has a couple of disadvantages, which can be very easy to fix.

console.log('Cross Browser Support!');

They are:

Lets fix these problems quickly and easily!

Magic Lantern Christmas Edition – HDR Video & FPS Control

Features, Download link and (more…)

Sparrow for iPhone

Coming soon!


New Year – New site! Welcome! This is my first project in 2012.

Webkit dummy 3D operation

Useful hack to stop elements flickering while CSS transitions are in progress/active.
Just apply this dummy rule to the body or a specific element to prevent render issues.

-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);


Nice one from Dribbble