Instagram images pulled via HTTPS not displaying

Instagram images pulled via HTTPS not displaying.
The source of the problem is AKAMAI.
Their SSL Certificate is reported to be invalid. Thus Chrome/Firefox/Safari does not load images.

To temporarily fix this issue you can use this short code snippet:

var src = '//'+oldsrc.split('/').pop();

UPD: issue fixed, no need to change the urls 😉

6 Responses

  1. vanessa says:

    Hello Vladimir,

    Image from account not pulling up….Instagram account name: vipguarantee

    Please let me knoe how to fix this
    Thank you


  2. Philip says:

    Hi! I have a public business account called “visitkvinesdal” but InstaTab refuses to accepted it. Could you help me out?

  3. Philip says:

    Hi again! We seem to have a situation where some pictures on our account are showing, but some are not There are four images on the instagram account, but two seem to be missing. Additionally, one other image has been added which doesn’t have our hashtag on it. Could you help us out?

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